
Nếu tình cờ bạn đọc bài mà cảm thấy nhẹ nhõm người hay mỉm cười thì ta rất phấn khởi. Hihi




Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 5, 2016


That night, i had a bizarre dream. I saw you were angry. It's the first time i saw you were very angry. Your face is frightful. I've never seen you in that state. You always repeated why i didn't go with you. Because i had agreed to go with you. When you came to take me home, i didn't go. So you were very angry. Suddenly, i felt fear. I didn't know why i feared. I couldn't open my mouth, i couldn't move my leg. So i couldn't explain. I cried. I sobbed. You couldn't understand what happened to me. So you asked me tell you the reason. You thought i was ill. You wanted to take me to see the doctor. I shook my head and still cried. I cried really. My pillow was wet with tears. Maybe i was tired and stressed. I didn't dare to blame anyone because i was afraid. So i blamed you because you wouldn't shout at me. Hehe.